Saturday, 26 April 2008

Jam Tomorrow.......

I went to have a look at the potential new allotment site today, which is about 4 minutes drive from my house, on the route to and from work each day. And guess what.............. It's a cracker!

I turned up about 10:am, when I thought most of the committee might be likely to be there, and sure enough, I was quickly introduced to the Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer. And very nice friendly people they were too.

They have a good trading hut, heavy equipment for hire, and a tea room. Water is laid on all over the site, for which there is no charge; and from talking to some of the plot holders, there doesn't seem to be too much trouble or vandalism. The local Neighbourhood Watch drive round the site every night, and there have only been 2 or 3 instances of petty vandalism in the last couple of years.

And the downside?........The local council hold the waiting list, and it's thought there are at least 20 people on it. But even this is not so bad, as they are starting to offer half plots, which gets things moving faster, and is probably about as much as I would need to start with. Also I don't really want to take one over until the Autumn when I am fit enough for all the digging etc, so the timing could work to my advantage.

I took a few snaps, just with the camera on my phone, but I think they give a reasonable impression of what the site is like.

I'm really looking forward to eventually getting back to the land, and also of course to dusting down my other blog......


Petunia's Gardener said...

That's more like it! No waiting 'til next week. Looks like a fine place to do some digging.

welsh girls allotment said...

Hurray ! Glad to hear that you almost back to plotting !! Looks a fantastic site nice and flat.