Monday, 31 March 2008

Mediterranean Stick Garden......

All weekend I've been reading posts from my friends in the allotmenteering fraternity, about how miserable the weather has been, and how they struggled to get anything done. So I am feeling rather smug that I eschewed gardening on the Sabbath, and went to the pub instead.

Today however saw a lovely Spring like morning in these parts...... The sort of day that makes you glad to be unemployed!...... And able to garden to your own timetable, rather than the one dictated by Mammon.

First (and last) of all I needed to tackle the tubs in my tiny plot, left empty all winter while I was away.

A mere 15 mins work resulted in this magnificent crop of sticks......!

OK, so I cheated, and planted fully grown sticks, in order to try and stop the all cats in the neighbourhood from using my veg patch AS A FUCKING LAVATORY!

After I had shovelled off and replaced the top ten inches of previously contaminated soil, I did also interplant the sticks with radishes, carrots and two varieties of lettuce.

I've decided, for this year at least, to accept that this mini-culture is not, and never actually will be, an allotment. And therefore, not to try and raise loads of stuff that doesn't really suit tub growing.

I plan instead to settle for salad crops, some runner beans, and maybe a few tomatoes in hanging baskets.... And perhaps a strawberry barrel......But in truth I suspect it all depends on how many seed catalogues I read.

I can't take on anything more at present, until I'm properly agile enough in the leg department to do the digging and grovelling an allotment requires; so this year will be an exercise in patience as much as anything else.

After I had sown the seeds though, the clouds parted, and turned my little corner into a veritable Mediterranean sun trap!

So there was only one thing for it.........

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