Sunday 29 April 2007

Woods and Fields....

This is small spinney near the start of my walk, just outside Tonbridge. Its towards the end of the Bluebell season now, but there are still carpets of them all over the place. Unfortunately I missed the shot of the deer, that bounded into the middle of this wood and stopped and looked at me for a second, because I was fumbling with the camera. As usual.

The other shot is looking back down the slope of Bidborough Ridge the towards town. The yellow oilseed rape is a modern introduction to the Kentish landscape arriving in my lifetime. Some people like it, some hate it, but I've got used to it, and it does brighten up the landscape that's for sure.

This is another view from the main road in the jaw-droppingly lovely, civilised and therefore incredibly expensive village of Bidborough. Here you are looking across the valley towards Sevenoaks and eventually "that London".

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